So, we have a champion eater on our hands. For everything Andrew was when he was 3 weeks old, Emily is the opposite. Exact opposite. For instance, she sleeps. Soundly, and alot. Second, she's easy to PUT to sleep. Third, she nurses. Very very well. A lot. She latched on from the beginning and hasn't let go.
In fact, this baby girl, at 3 weeks old, eats 4 OUNCES. I know this because I pump twice during the day and give it to her in a bottle. I think it's important that she know how to drink from a bottle and the boob, in case there's ever an instance that I'm not there to feed her. So, this is how I know that she eats 4 ounces. At 3 weeks old. I do recall Andrew eating 4 ounces (of formula, I might say) at 3 MONTHS old. I am just simply astounded that she eats this much. I'm pumping 4 ounces out of each breast. And I think to myself, "If the boobs are this heavy and full at 3 weeks of age, what's it going to be like when she's eating 6 or 8 ounces down the road?!"
The nursing did not start off well on my end, so I never even thought I would make it this far nursing. She did fine, it was my poor little nipples that were taking a beating. Apparently redheads in general have a more difficult time nursing. It has something to do with our very sensitive skin. So, one week into nursing I had (TMI warning) scabs on my little nipples and would just about scream everytime she nursed. Which is why I brought out the breast pump so early in the game, to give the girls a break. While the nipples are better now, it's still painful to nurse her, but I just go to my 'happy place' and we get through it. Somehow I don't think this is normal, this pain & discomfort, but I'm determined to meet my goal of nursing for 6 weeks. After that, I can either make a new goal, or I can strictly pump. Formula is my last option. Andrew had formula from the second week he was alive, and he's fine...growing, learning, healthy. But I wanted to stick with the breastfeeding this time.
She's been drinking out of a 3.5 ounce bottle up until today. We went out to eat with friends Friday night and I went in to Target to get some bigger bottles (the ones we have are only 3.5 ounces). It was time for her to eat, so I just pumped in the car and let Brian feed her while I went in. I bought a set of 4 ounce bottles. I got back out the car, and Brian said, "She just drank 4 ounces." So I turned on my heels and went right back into Target to swap the bottles for 8 ounce size. Geesh, kid. We're definitely going to be ready right at 4 months to start rice & some foods. Because I can't imagine making enough milk for her to eat!!
The upside of her eating so much is that she goes a little longer between feedings. Just last night she went for a 4.5 hour stretch. And during the day, she goes about 3 hours, sometimes longer. And I do believe she has reached the 10 pound mark. Andrew was 10 pounds at his two month well visit!!